You never know when FATE would come and terminate all your things If there's something you treasure and desire for Please don't just sit and wait Move, go and grab it Before it's too late....
Marissa在片末問: What do you think will happen, if we don't, end up together? 忽然想起,這樣的問題,天真的我也有問過 那時的我,只要想起有可能會跟自己那麼愛的人分開,已經會害怕得哭起來 而可笑地,我的夢境,其實早已預告了我們的結局 原來,就算曾經多深愛的 也可以變成最陌生的陌路人
I couldn't believe, my tears still drop after watching this video and writing this out It wasn't exactly about the persons, it's more about the memory and, the belief
Once I thought being single is just like floating on the sea without a direction I thought everything will be alright and settled if I get with someone else History proves that I was wrong I was just brought into a even more angry sea
So now I am floating in the peaceful sea again I master the skill to float well, and I enjoy the tides
Once I was so afraid of being single, Funny enough, I now become afraid of being attached again I can't foresee how it's like, to go through the stages again the 3rd time, after all it's really very exhausting.. and not too promising........
So what..? If you were me, would you give another try?